I'm so proud of Russell and Jack! They tested last week for their camoflauge belt at Taekwando. Cousin Chandler is now a second degree black belt and Josh is a red belt. So proud of all the boys.
Maya loved her first visit to Art Beast in late January. Located in downtown Sacramento, Art Beast is a hands-on art studio for kids to explore and create! Silly me, put Maya in white sweats that day. They were multi-color when we got home but thankfully, all the paint washed out and her cute white sweats are just fine!
We finally have a Chipotle in West Sacramento! It opened in January and the kids and I waited to be the first customers! My nephew Cody joined us and we declined to eat until he watched us enjoying our chicken tacos. He tried a bite and next thing you know, I was back at the counter, ordering more tacos! It is probably a good thing it is about a 15 minute drive to Chipotle because I'd be there too much if it were any closer!