I'm playing with my new camera and my sweet chica, Daphne was a willing subject. She is always so happy :)
26 December 2007
24 December 2007
Happy Christmas Eve!
We had every intention of dining at Ernesto's for a late lunch/early dinner today. Russ was going to pay because I won the bet - Maya is walking before Christmas. All morning I could taste the chile verde, but alas, Ernesto's was already closed by 3 PM when we got there. So, we'll try again another day. We instead went to Tower Cafe with our friend Sharon. Here we are enjoying food and friendship!
I hope everyone finds nothing but good stuff in their stockings and underneath the tree!
Feliz Navidad!
20 December 2007
15 December 2007
14 December 2007
Sunny December Days
10 December 2007
Oh, Christmas Tree
Jack helped me decorate the tree again this year...actually he did almost all the work and he sure is good at it. We had so much fun remembering our ornaments...where and when we got them. We collect ornaments from all our travels and each year we also pick out ornaments. Jack has a neat collection going and we are starting one now for Maya. Maya tried to help take off the ornaments!
29 November 2007
Go Kings!
26 November 2007
Going My Way?!
20 November 2007
Happy Thanksgiving
In honor of Thanksgiving, I thought I'd share an inappropriate song I learned as a child at Sunday School. Totally politically incorrect by today's standards!
Gobble gobble gobble
Fat turkeys are we
Gobble gobble gobble
Fat turkeys are we
We're not here for living
We're here for Thanksgiving
Gobble gobble gobble
Fat turkeys are we!
Every year, I call my friend Barbara and sing this song to her on Thanksgiving! Two more days Barbara and I'm calling you!
I wish everyone a stress-less holiday and safe travels if you are spending the holiday out of town.
This has always been my least favorite holiday because of the stresses involved with preparing a large meal and when I was growing up, our house was tiny and all the family converged on our house. Our kitchen held 2 people at most, the day was usually cold and ugly and our large picture window would fog up and I'd feel trapped and long for a warm sunny day to play outside. In my twenties, I spent about 5 Thanksgivings in a row down in Cabo San Lucas, eating tortilla soup for my holiday dinner and lounging with friends by the pool with no stress or worries. Russ and I spent our honeymoon in NYC over Thanksgiving week and had a terrific time. With our kids, we now spend the holiday with family and it is enjoyable, but truth be told, I'm hoping that next year, we'll be sunning ourselves down in Mexico!
14 November 2007
Love My Sister
12 November 2007
09 November 2007
Yummy Cupcake!
06 November 2007
Maya is One!
Maya turns one on November 8th! I can hardly believe it! She has been with us for almost 4 months now and at the end of the month, it will be one year that we got our referral for our then 2 week old baby girl. So much has happened in this past year. Lots of waiting and anticipation and it has all been worth every tear, frustration and laughter. I want to thank Maya's mom for giving us such a generous gift and also to Vivian, her loving foster mother.
On a daily basis, Jack tells me how much he loves Maya and how pretty she is. He even shared his army men with her tonight! He's been showing her how to play with all her new birthday toys and when I watch them together, I feel so blessed.
One year ago, Maya was only a dream to us and now here she is, the daughter and sister we can't live without.
Happy Birthday, Maya!
05 November 2007
01 November 2007
Halloween Fun!
In between kids being sick, we've managed to have a little bit of Halloween fun! Coming up...Maya's 1st Birthday! Let's hope no one is sick this weekend for the festivities!
24 October 2007
My friend Barbara
Oh, almost 20 years ago, I met my dear friend Barbara (Levin) White. You see, the office manager at CSAC told me that she hired Barbara to be my friend. Well, Bev was right because Barbara and I forged a really close friendship and did everything together until she moved back to Ramona years ago. We've still maintained our friendship over the years, although we don't get to see each other as often as we'd like. In 2004, Barbara and Bill lost their home to the wildfires in Ramona and Barbara's mom Carol lost her home as well. Well, now the fires are ravaging the area again and although at this writing, Barbara's home still stands, everything around it is burned, including their well their house has sustained some damage. These pictures were taken in 2005 when we went for a visit, right after Barbara's house was re-built. I hate that she is going through this again so soon. It isn't fair. Love you, Barbara!
19 October 2007
Day of Respect
Today is "Day of Respect" at my son's school. This is the 7th year of this important event that brings people from all walks of life to the school to teach the children about diversity, different jobs, exposes them to people and things from all walks of life. It also was the dedication of their International Peace Rose Garden, one of only of few in the world. There was a blessing by some Native Americans, led by a woman from Mexico and I was so moved by her blessing of the new rose garden, that when the ceremony ended, I talked to her and introduced her to Maya and she gave Maya a blessing. It was so moving that I'm still all teary-eyed and emotional about it. I want Maya to notive her history as a Mayan Indian. I'm including a short video of the blessing and also some pictures of the day, including a 1940's Army helicopter that landed at the school and the kids got to get inside and try it out. Police and fire were there, a librarian, a woman with dogs, a man with a parrot and more. They traveled around to each classroom talking about life and respect and everything under the sun.
12 October 2007
Watching Like a Hawk
Maya and I were driving in the grocery store parking lot yesterday when we saw this Swainson's Hawk perched on the stop sign. It was amazing to see him up close and personal. My mom posted the frontal view picture on her West Sacramento photo of the day web site if you want to take a look, I have a link posted on the right side of this page.

11 October 2007
Squeaky Clean
I gave Maya a bath in the kitchen sink the other night and she loved it! So much has changed since we brought her home in late July. She is now cruising the furniture and can pull herself up into a standing position against almost anything. I'm pretty confident I'll be winning the walking bet I have with Russ! I bet she'll be walking on her by Christmas. She is a determined and curious little chica and we are having the best time with her.
08 October 2007
Weekend Fun
04 October 2007
28 September 2007
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